Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sea Cloud Motel

540 So. Gulf View Blvd.
Clearwater Beach, Florida

New, ultra-modern efficiencies and one bedroom apartments beautifully decorated and equipped tile baths (tub and shower). Air-conditioned. Heated. TV. Private dock. Mooring facilities. Free fishing boats. Sixty seconds walk to beach.

Postage: 1960

Message on back:
"This is our last stop. Arrived home Sun. at 6 P.M. and did it look good! We enjoyed ourselves but we enjoyed getting back to our little pink shack even more. Perfect trip down here. They had no rain all of Mat and none in June so far! Your ears should be burning! Love - Mother "

1 comment:

  1. Es ist schon lange her. Wir haben Sept/Okt. 1981
    ein Appartement im Sea Cloud Motel gemietet. Eine schöne Zeit mit netten Erinnerungen. Da bekommt man wieder Lust hin zu fliegen. Ich bin neugierig,was sich so alles verändert hat. Ob es unseren damaligen Wirtsleute Tony und Kathy noch gibt?
